Witching 101

Tara Star Dancer Weavings   •   November 22, 2020

What I’m about to share is both obvious and also reality shattering.

Reality is Bendy Shapey.

To witch is to play with the possibilities of bendy shapey.

So to explain what I mean by witch and witchy, let’s look at just some simple ways that we bend and shape reality with play. If you have ever consoled a child by kissing a boo-boo and making it better, surprise! You are a witch.

If you have spontaneously uttered words that shifted the entire flow of a work meeting from stagnation to flowing creativity. Mmhmm, yup, a witch.

You have been bending and shaping your reality ever since you’ve been able to crawl-walk-speak-sing-touch-make-write-dance-art and do sexy things. We work our witch within a container, or a “cauldron”, of what we are taught is possible.

Culture is a container. Our current culture is very scientifically oriented and very limited to what we can see and move around with our tools. Science as a worldview has created huge improvements in health and comfort for many of us. I mean how did we ever survive the Middle and Dark Ages? But it’s arrogance to think that reality is bound by a microscope, no matter how powerful the lens.

Then there are containers of language, how we treat boys and and girls differently, the colonial roots, now understood as white supremacist, shaping our economies and democracies. All these containers are invisible, like the wind, but very real, and powerfully affect what we think is possible.

The art of slipping through the clutches of conditioning to shape your world according to your desires, that are aligned to your deep pleasure, is what I call Witching.

It’s my complete delight and honor to ignite your deepest desires, wake up your *I-Magi-Nation and create the spaces for the miracles of possibility that one very sciencey dude writes about in Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

So let’s get witchy!

*I-Magi-Nation term coined by singer-songwriter, bellydancer Jehan Kamal.

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

#sexysacredwitchyfun #tarastardancer #witch #ilovescience